Archive for the ‘ Health ’ Category

Pleasurable life’s moments

I don’t claim high intelligence, but I think I can brag about for so much.

Last week in class, the teacher asked us to share in groups what our favorite time of the day was. After hearing (not listening) to each of them talk about the subject, I politely told my group that I didn’t have a favorite time. It was of course a lie, because I always consider talking to a bunch of numpties a total waste of brain calories. More so these days where I need every last reserve of my brain calorie because I am learning one of the world’s most difficult languages- Danish.

Nonetheless, since I withheld that information last time, I now feel the need to talk about it, so I shall share it on here “my favorite time of the day”: You absolutely don’t have to read it, but knowing how your mind works, I know you are going to want to read it to the very last “full stop” if not for anything else, then only to think of me as another numpty 😄

The early mornings of bank holidays and weekends are my favorite time of the day: When I rise up earlier to the stillness and quite of the semi dark house, while the rest of the house is still in that sweet deep morning slumber and I light the fireplace, turn on the coffee machine and lounge on the couch – gazing out the window into the green well mowed garden, the blue-grey sky and the trees swaying mildly to the tempo of the wind; my first coffee in hand, just me and my thoughts, interrupted only by the cracklings from the fireplace. What more could be to life’s pleasurable moments than that?

Medical Emergencies in Hospitals in Uganda -Sad

Emergencies or Emerge -agencies??? Pray you never become a victim for the situation.

It’s torture to watch a medical emergency situation in hospitals around the Country. From street casual laborers bundled together in a professional settings (inexperienced medical personnel) to rude arrogant idiots smartly clad in uniforms to make them appear intelligent. These smart -ass idiots have names ranging from cleaners to security guards.

Sometime ago I wrote about an Ambulance in emergency running out of gas (petrol) right in the middle of the street & had to be pushed all the way to the next gas station by onlookers to refuel before it resumed its sirenic journey through the dense traffic jam, that was not the zenith of the drama, a lot more happens that simply frustrates you the onlooker to a point of tears & rage. Little wonder, many patients are often declared Dead on Arrival

Now in my opinion, if it warrants you to travel in an Emergency vehicle with its lights & sirens blaring cutting right into our eardrums & temporarily rendering us deaf, then its really an EMERGENCY. But when this Ambulance pulled up in the Emergency area of the hospital, I cried for the patient inside & for all her accompanying relatives.

First the Ambulance had to find parking; Okay…..? Now like seriously who in their right mind would park in the Emergency Vehicle parking spot? I would feel so condemned by my conscience, my ancestors & the ghosts of all the unjustly dead patients – but no! This twat, whoever he/she was just had to excel in public display of stupidity. & where was the security guard? Oh I know, he had been given two Dollars by the twat to look the other way so the two of them together could be the reason for another global human decongestion…… When finally the Ambulance found its parking, I thought ha! here ends the drama, until the Ambulance door was flanked open & then the real drama begun. The medical attendants threw down the patient thrice because they didn’t know how to work the stretcher & couldn’t get it to unclog & stand on its legs. One of the attendants fell back on his fat arse with the stretcher & patient following right on top of him while the guy in the doctor’s alb stood there mouthing “sorry” to the fallen chap. The nurses? Ahm well, you see, an emergency in many hospitals here means everybody else crowds there at the entrance & spectates while the patient counts on his/her Gods to look kindly upon them & negotiate with the Grim Reaper to come back another day for their souls.

John 22:49….. & The Gay Became…. What’s exactly Itching you???

Disclaimer: While this blog is just for laughs/entertainment purposes only, it does not reflect the moral views & opinion of the writer

John 22:49  “In the beginning was gay, and gay was with man, and gay was man. It was with man in the beginning. Through it all things LGBT were made; without it nothing LGBT was made that has been made. In it was something dark, and that something dark became the debate & dissension of all (man) kind. The gay flourish in the world and the world does not know how to overcome it” 

I know some of you Bible worms are busy trying to find John 22 in your Bibles now, well, good luck! It shows just how misinformed you are.

With the Gay Rights resounding louder than the Cathedral bell on a Sunday morning, I am inclined to rethink my sexual orientation as of next year- one of the 2016 new year’s resolutions. So now the Gay Body decides that they would like to expand their realm by dragging the Bible Publishers to court over verses in the Bible that talk against them? Ahm well, it may be just one man, but hey, it only takes one ember before the entire camp-wood is alight.

Wow! If my ancestors were to visit Earth today just for a few days vacation, they would be so glad they are so dead. & if God wasn’t so busy in Syria & Pakistan, trying to secure for America a birthright to them two Countries, I say, one look at Earth today & history would repeat itself -another case of Sodom & Gomorrah except this time, there would be no Abraham to bargain on behalf of some of “The Lots & their families” If you attended Sunday Schools, then you know the story of Lot, his wife & the pillar of salt.

So in the beginning….., I mean when I was still young, being Gay was considered a CHOICE, then as I grew up, it became a RIGHT, now that I am almost an adult, it has been LEGALIZED; mark my words, it won’t be long before they make it COMPULSORY for everybody who still wishes to be a Citizen of certain parts of this Universe.

That said, while you are still trying to figure out what my point is; don’t fret, there is simply no point- its just one mad woman’s rumbling. Now get back to whatever it was you were doing & let us all wait for Revelation 22:11-12- if the guy remembers to come at all that is.

Copy of the Uganda Anti-Gay Bill 2014 that was signed

I thought I might share the copy of the Bill with some of my readers who may not have seen it yet.

& here I thought it carried a death sentence in it;okay life imprisonment might as well be as bad as death itself, but remember when your mama would always say when you came back from your first day at school dejected because of some bullies or a mean teacher?  “look on the bright side darling – tomorrow is a better day” she would say, well, let me be your mama here, let us look on the bright side. Why?? Because my darlings, owing to the reputation of the Ugandan Prisons, none has the capacity & facilities enough to hold up one prisoner for more than 6months, unless the prisoner was stupid, relative-less or money-less.

So as Shaka Ssali of Voice of America- Straight Talk Africa always says ” Keep hope alive” who knows, the bill might be recalled by Cabinet for amendments just like the Anti- Pornography Bill was.


Uganda finally signs the Anti Gay Bill &….. it rained

m7The Bills have to be signed, otherwise how do the Elections get won??

If I were gay, I wouldn’t worry a thing about the Gay-Bill having been signed & passed as a law in Uganda; bcos, just like all the other Bills before it, lets give this one a shelf life of up to 9 months or 10 max before the fire dies out & the idle Members of Parliament find some other non irrelevant issues to debate about & draft again for signing – like the “Oral Sex Bill”.

As a citizen of this Country, I would say I am not moved by any Bill that gets enacted as a law bcos I have seen & heard of many that were drafted, signed & are now gathering Cobwebs & dust on the shelves in the Laws’ Maker’s Office or the Law Enforcer’s office.

The beauty of this Country is that the Law Enforcers are as clueless about the laws that the Law Makers pass as the good citizens themselves. In extreme scenarios, you find that the very man that signed the Bill backs out of its severity; lets talk the “Helmets for all Motorbike riders” & what does the hand that signed the Bill advised the Police in one of his many hilarious speeches? “If the people do not want to wear helmets, leave them alone- it is their lives” to the cheering of the clueless law enforcers.

Another Bill that we could look at is the Polythene Bag Bill- need I scribble down what exactly took place in details, taking into account the amount of polythene bags you get with your every shopping since then? Its like the Bill said “Go ye & manufacture plenty more polythene bags & litter the Country till it can’t breath no more”.

With that said; I am happily still wearing my mini skirts & micro dresses to everywhere I go. If you need to make any arrest, please reach me on this number : +256 2 000 111

We are a Country rich in Culture, Oils/Minerals & Bills. Enjoy the Homo- Bill while it lasts!!!!!!

A User’s guide into my friendship world

Dear friends,

For your ease of Preference…Ooops! Reference I mean, read through carefully with a glass of humour & a plate of …aah! Whatever food you like

I am not at all good at this “Friendship Maintenance” thingy. I got absolutely NO TALENT in that field; like writing emails or replying to them, Sms-ing, calling up & all that friendship maintenance ingredients. (However, I am great at making friends!) But it doesn’t mean you stopped being my friend. Worst is trying to get me to visit you at your house. So if you ever want me to visit you at your house, you first have to waylay me on the streets & then highjack me bcos there is zero way that I would get into the shower, dress up & get out of my door into your door, however close by your door is to mine – but on some occasions, ofcourse when “guilt accumulates” then I am forcefully forced to count all the landmarks that mark up the road to your house or to that meeting; – & that only happens when a friend has persistently been calling me or writing to me for over a period of months or years & I have exhausted all “my excuses” first aid box…… believe me, those cases are rare; just about as rare as an Arab in China. & friends who truly know or have struggled hard to know me by now, don’t make an issue when we meet of the fact that I have an attention span of 5 minutes & after that, you are speaking to a vacant me (just my empty body) bcos either I would have wandered back to my house & watching Tom & Jerry or I am busy mentally murdering some people at the office or on the next table behind us.

Even God knows me 🙂 & we are just fine! Sometimes I spend an entire week without a word to Him, but He knows that I have no other God besides Him & that sooner or later I always show up or call bcos I need Him.

So there you have it my dearest friend, next time when out of the blue I decide to call you even after 5years of “NO communication”, don’t go saying “this lady must have some balls to be calling me only now & that too for a favour? Ah well, it’s bcos I need you & you are my friend who happens to be at the right time in the right place & position to offer me help or favour….. & oh just for the records, I got balls indeed, except I wear them on my chest instead & they are bigger than most of yours for sure- that I got no doubt!!!  & I haven’t lost your numbers or emails & for most times, I know you are doing fine. So long my friend; love you always.

14 facts you did not know about me

  1. I don’t miss people at all- I enjoy my own company more than being with people; firstly bcos myself understands me better than anybody else, secondly myself & I never have to argue over which movie to watch or which places to hang out at; so when I say “walking Dead” tonight in birthday suit & cold pizzas, myself just cheers me on ” yeah, go girl, lets watch those damn zombies invade the world, while we attack these pieces of salamis on the pizza slices”
  2. My mind is an active volcano; the debates that goes on in my mind every day could kill any other person not accustomed to chaos in five seconds. From criticizing just about everybody to convincing myself I can actually talk God into giving the Devil a second chance.
  3. Patience is something my parents forgot to leave in their will for me, so I never inherited any. But usually when it comes to nursing  a crush I have on somebody or a love, then I can say I am as patient & calm as the Dead Sea
  4. I talk alone alone, especially in front of the mirror or on the streets; now if lunatics are classified by the fact that they hold conversations with themselves in public, then I am a raving walking lunatic.
  5. I laugh alot, even on the streets- usually at the conversations that myself & I hold in my head. Jee you should listen to what goes on between myself & I, you would just be in stitches & casts from all the broken ribs you get from laughing.
  6. I have the ability to turn my imaginations & fantasies into a reality – I live that way most of the times. Once I fantasized that I was dating Bill Clinton & oh yes! Every evening I would go on dinner dates & do all those romantic stuff lovers do -with Bill Clinton, but as you know ofcourse- they were all in my imagination. But they made me the happiest girl alive
  7. I am a worry-pot! when I get a bone, I hold on to it even if there is meat all around me; its my nature & there is no cure for it.
  8. I am overly confident; that is bcos I know my  place. Many times people have called me arrogant, hard headed, self centered & a spoilt brat. I guess growing up as a Princess & having the whole kingdom officials looking out for you & being at your service makes one automatically whatever people will call them.
  9. I have an attention span of less than 5 minutes & I am a selective listener
  10. Trouble is my middle name. when I was younger, whenever you needed to find me, you just had to look for where trouble was & visa versa. Not so much these days though. All School/Village strikes, demonstrations & bad behaviors were pioneered by none other than me. My name was resounded in 4 villages including the nearby city. I was terror to every neighborhood, the cry of every child, lament  of every mother yet a darling to every elderly person; that is bcos I can act the angel just as good as the devil given a situation. Ever heard of “Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde” I guess this is what it is.
  11. I have multiple personalities. Often people have a problem with whether I am the snake that was in the garden of Eden or the one that Moses hanged up on the cross for the healing of the children of Israel. The thing is, I play only according to other people’s cards. So what you give me, is what I give you back, often in a hundred folds.
  12. I am more afraid of Cockroaches than I am a Lion.
  13. I am a rebel & I take great pride in it. What, now don’t screw your face & wring your nose at me like that; I was born that way- if you want you can sue my parents. I am not good with obeying commands, I create my own. Once when the president visited our house, his remark to my dad was ” I hope there is such a brave man out there who can tame this wild beast of yours” whenever my parents wanted me  to do something, they simply told me NOT to do it. Why? Bcos once you throw  a “DON’T” to me, you sure I will DO it no matter what it takes.
  14. & unfortunately I haven’t grown out  of all these Good manners of mine.

Obsessive Compulsive Love Disorder -OCLD

Ok, so I admit, I am hopelessly obsessed with Lee Minho (이민호), Goong Yoo & Kang Ki Hwan, although I am well aware I will never ever even get a poke, prick or friends request from any of them, but who said I care? Infact the mere reality that I can plug any of them into my DVD player & ogle at them on my screen for the entire time, its enough satisfaction for me. Speaking of which Lee Minho has cancerous-ly taken over my entire being, I sleep Lee, wake up Lee, eat Lee, think Lee, Lee Lee…. Charisma, poise, character, personality, charm, cheekiness, height, body build- name it, he’s got it.


One time in the past when I visited a couple of Shrinks, they all diagnosed me with OCPD, I guess they forgot the OCLD. Now I need pills for the latter.

Today looking at all these guys & many more I can’t help but say^^^walhahi! some women have really given birth – to sons……you look at somebody’s son & saliva drools freely from your open mouth, your heart race faster than a Ferrari at a Formula One race competition & your eyes just want to pop out bcos of their sheer awesomeness. God must have gotten better at his art & designs these days; how else can you explain the abundance of articulately crafted men? They say practice makes perfect, no wonder!!!

Note to self; in my next life I swear I want to birth a son like them or marry one atleast. But till then, this my fluttering heart will know no peace.

Lee Minho, if you are reading this, please promise me that in your next life you will come back as you but in my Country. I will have learnt enough Korean by then & you will not need to know a single word of English.

How many friends do we really need?

They say “the many, the merrier!” Well, that applies to parties & our lives is no party unless ofcourse we want to turn it into one, but again we all know what comes with parties, don’t we? Crowd! & the few times we tried to turn our lives into one; that was what we got- Crowds- in this case “misthought for Friends”

Often we think, assume, presume, & even conclude that the more people we know or have in our lives, automatically makes us “a person” like a “Living trademark”, but the question that, though asked by many who finally seek the light of life is: Just about how many friends do we need in our lives? & who are friends? Is he the guy that gives you a ride to work everyday just because you live only one block away before his house or is she the lady that tells you that you are the cutest of all men because she is hoping you buy her that chicken & chips? The answer obviously lies with the very person asking the question “you”

After you have filtered & sieved through the so called many friends (of whom I would like to call acquaintances), you realise that you end up with- if you are lucky, you will count on your one hand- FIVE . Because friendship as misinterpreted & misrepresented these days is not in the number of how many names one can list off head or by heart or the number of smiles that get flashed at us in a day, but rather in the truenes of a spirit, a well meaning heart, the comrade allegiance that only comes with knowing, value-ing & accepting someone for who they are.

But many a times these days, the supposed -to- be- friends only draws near for selfish reasons & all wrong motives (wolves in sheep skins)… when you sincerely want to know who your friends are; sit down, take a pen & paper or mentally scan through each & every name of the people in your life- see how many you will be left with after the deductions, multiplications, subtractions or even additions….trust me, you will be surprised- But it all zeros down to those who mean well for us. However, the big deal is; How many people really mean well for us & really mean it? The number you get, & those are your friends.

So tell me again, how many friends do we really need in our lives?????

Forbidden Love – The mistake some Parents make

“Parents, please make it your prioritized responsibility to introduce your children to all their relatives (even the family dogs & chicken) however much you may not like your relatives- for in this time of Human Migrations, Face Book, Twitter & whatever else connects people from across the globe. You just never know when your son or daughter who moved to the big City or another Country will of all the girls or boys in that City or Country will fall in love with his or her own un-introduced sister, brother, cousin or even uncle”.

As is common knowledge, unlike in other parts of the world, Africans don’t share the same Family names – Surnames are given to children based on the circumstance of his or her birth or after some dead ancestor , therefore making it difficult to know who is related to who. And sexual relations between close family members is Taboo – forbidden.

The funeral

When my mother called to inform me about the death of one of my cousin brother, I simply shrugged & said “oh! That is sad” little did I know that the funeral I would be attending -of this cousin brother I had no knowledge about would turn out to be of the very guy I nearly dated- my David! My crush!

How we met

It was a two way traffic at first sight

My auntie knew I was very efficient in accomplishing errands or tasks.

So that evening when she asked me to go to the third neighbour’s house & collect an envelop (money), giving me clear directions to his place, it was just any ordinary errands I would be running for her as usual.

Knock knock.. who is there? “Aauumhn, it’s me, auntie Christine has sent me to pick an envelop”. When the curtain of the door opened in front of me, my eyes went wide like King Julien’s (Madagascar2) all I could do to keep my knees from not giving way from under my body, was to take on the dead fish pose.

Our third neighbour smiled, introduced himself as David & invited me to come in.

julienThe Zombie

Ok I don’t recall how, but I am almost sure it was through that same door behind the curtain that I must have walked through & found myself sitting next to David on the same bed that doubled for a couch. He offered me tea or juice- to both which I declined- partly due to shyness but heavily bcos I had turned into a Zombie. Couldn’t tell if I was half alive or half dead.

All I recall is the intensity of that passionate kiss & caresses & the promise to come by the day after bcos he would be working double shift. I swear a day had never been so long – the wait so painful. David & I had experienced what they call “love at first sight”

David, oh David!

He was by all standards three times a Brad Pitt, two times a Johny Depp & the other time……? Drop-dead- charming, tall, very light skinned, well built, his teeth were all in the right place & very white, he had this smile that would charm any bird out of its tree, did I already say well built? He had this look like the Heroes from the Wild Wild West movies.

As it goes, David had left the village many years back, the same village I had also left shortly after to go to the same City to make a better life. His parent’s home was the house by the big mango tree on the way to the village’s only spring from whence we fetched water.

A down to earth village boy with a heart of gold according to the funeral speeches delivered by his family & village members, David had made good of his life in the City. Working for one of the biggest 5 Star companies as an engineer, he was a boy set for greatness.

I will never really know what killed David, bcos I abandoned the funeral half way to go clear my head & heart’s content & never returned. Meanwhile I had wondered earlier on why David was never at his home for a week without informing me – there were no cell phones at that time.